martes, 5 de noviembre de 2013

I International Youth Film  Festival “Plasencia Encorto” is organized by the Department of Education and Culture from the Government of Extremadura, by the Extremadura Film Library, by the City Council of Plasencia and 24 Fotogramas Cultural Association. The festival contains didactic and educative values and one of its most remarkable objectives is to promote and stimulate the creativity of students through the production of audiovisual works.

ñ  Each student or  film  group of the Education Centre under  20 will have the opportunity  to participate  in this contest by making an audiovisual  short.. The play can be made by the students with the help of their teachers or tutors.
ñ  Accommodation and travel expenses: according to the organizers´ possibilities, the I International Youth Film Festival “Plasencia Encorto”  will pay  one of  the coordinators and two of the students´ cost  of the trip from Barajas Airport  to Plasencia, as well as the stay  and the meals during the  three days. The flight is not included.
ñ  It is compulsory  to subtitle the short  in English unless it has no dialogue.
ñ  The total running  time  must not be longer than 12 minutes, film credits  included.
ñ  Categories:
A.-  Advertisement (with didactic aims):  healthy habits, smoking prevention, harmful effects of drugs and alcohol,  bullying,  ethnic minorities, gender equality, etc..
B.- Documentary: signs of  identity,  tradition and popular culture, different  ways of living,  cultural heritage etc…
C.- Fiction short.
D.-   Animated short.
           ñ Application form
ñ  The contest begins   November 1, 2013   and it ends February 10, 2014.
ñ  Short films made before 2010 will not be accepted.
ñ  Each author or  film group  will fill out the application form on the Festival webpage. Please, download the document on:

ñ  Short films on line sending,  application forms  and  the two images of the short can be sent through the free  Festival program  WeTransfer (AVI/MOV/MP4/MPG)
ñ  DVDs, application forms and the two images can also be sent   through ordinary mail to:
                        Universidad Popular de Plasencia
                        C/ Fray Alonso Fernández, Nº1
                        10600 Plasencia (Cáceres).
   ñ  The coordinator/s of the Education Centre have to keep the  authorizations signed by the family or legal representative  of those  students under 18.
 ñ  The Organization reserves the right  of the projection of the selected works naming the author/s as well as the right to project them in other Festivals.
ñ    I International  Youth Film  Festival “Plasencia Encorto” will take place from  17 to   March  22, 2014 with the viewing  of the selected short films.
ñ  Awards Ceremony  will be held  on Saturday   March, 22 at Alcázar Theatre (Plasencia)
ñ  All the rules have to be  accepted by the students and even   the resolution by the Organization of a hypothetical problem not included in these instructions.  The festival shall inform  about the  final program in advance.
ñ    The   videos selected for the final will be informed through  email and the webpage.           
ñ  The Committee decisions will be final. 

First Prize:  Video Camera, trophy, diploma.
Second Prize: Audiovisual material, trophy, diploma.
First Prize for the best Extremeño short:  Video Camera, trophy, diploma.
Second Prize for the best Extremeño short:  Audiovisual material, trophy, diploma.
Prize for  “coexistence values”:  Mention  and  diploma.
Prize for  “tolererance values”: Mention  and  diploma.
Prize for the most innovative work:  Mention and diploma.
Prize for Environment and sustainable development values: Mention  and diploma.
Prize for intercultural way of living  and  integration: Mention  and diploma.
Prize for the best screenplay:  Mention and diploma.
Prize for the best photography:  Mention and diploma.
Prize for the best documentary: Mention and diploma.
Prize for the best animated short:  Mention and diploma.
Special Prize to the promotion of equality and non-violence: Mention and diploma.
Audience Prize: Mention and diploma. 

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